About Chiropractic
- Article Category: Chiropractic
- 3/12/2018
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a natural and non-invasive form of health care that is based on the principle that the body has the inherent ability to heal without the use of drugs or surgery. This fundamental approach to wellness mirrors a new and changing attitude toward health care in the United States and around the world.
How does it work?
An individual's health is either directly or indirectly controlled by the nervous system and interference within the nerve system, due to trauma or biomechanical instability, impairs normal function and lowers resistance to disease.
Through chiropractic adjustments, nervous system interference due to abnormalities in the musculoskeletal relationships of the vertebrae (called subluxations) can be corrected. This allows the nervous system to function properly, enabling the body to self-regulate and self-heal through its own natural recuperative powers.
Chiropractors are highly skilled in the art of adjusting all the articulations of the body. Adjustments are gentle and specific physical maneuvers that can be applied safely to people of any age.

脊骨神經醫學(Chiropractic)是由美國脊醫師D.D. Palmer於1895年發現,研究出脊椎神經和身體病症的關係, 這種不靠藥物的治療方式經一百多年的不斷研究發展,在美、加、英、澳、等三十二個國家設立正式醫學教育與執業醫師系統, 成為現代西方自然復健醫學的主流。脊椎是人體中樞神經的主要通道及神經系統的保護結構,脊椎骨的功能對人體的健康影響極為重大。 根據許多醫學臨床研究發現:很多功能性疾病是由於脊椎、骨骼關節、及肌肉系統的運作不平衡造成神經訊息干擾(Nerve Interference)所致。 脊骨神經醫學便以矯治失調的身體骨架、肌肉結構為主要理念,使神經系統運作正常,藉而解除病痛並維持身體功能平衡及預防功能性的疾病。

脊骨神經著重發揮人體原有的復原能力,治療過程並不使用藥物或注射,亦不施行外科手術。 常用的治療方式是以徒手治療的脊椎矯正醫學(Manual Adjustments)為主:藉由槓桿力學, 使用安全技巧、舒適地針對功能錯位的脊椎、骨盆、四肢關節作調整,使生理結構系統回復至正常的位置與機能。 身體恢復平衡後,疼痛及相關症狀也就逐步消失。